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Books by local authors, The Columbia Gorge News

April 2024

Books by local authors, The Columbia Gorge News

April 3rd, 2024

A big thank to to The Columbia Gorge News for publishing a little feature on Poems for Ex Lovers! Click here for the link, but otherwise, here’s an excerpt from artist Laurel Brown: 

Laurel Brown’s artwork is also featured throughout the chapter pages, collages that mix imagery of change such as butterflies, phases of the moon, old photos, and flowers, noting that they symbolize her own past and hope for growth in the future.

“I wanted to try to visualize the beauty and pain of letting things go and letting your path unfold naturally,” Brown said. “They symbolize my own past and hope for growth in the future.”

An Interview with KOTO Radio, The Sound of Telluride

March 2024

An Interview with KOTO Radio, The Sound of Telluride

March 2024

Did you know KOTO Radio has the best view of any radio station in the country? We can’t disagree there. Since 1975, KOTO has served the town of Telluride to inform, educate, and entertain the community of local listeners. 

In March, Emma Renly and Mat Zaremba stopped by the station to be interviewed by the KOTO team about the creation of Poems for Ex Lovers, the connection to Telluride, and what it means to have their work in the book. 


Moabites build poetry anthology about intimacy, The Moab Times-Independent

March 2024

Moabites build poetry anthology about intimacy

The Moab Times-Independent, March 2024

Sandwiched between the hard-hitting news in The Moab Times-Independent is an article highlighting Poems for Ex Lovers and the local poetry slam in February. Read the full piece, by Sophia Fisher, here


Poetry Slam at the Cactus Pad 

February 2024

Poetry Slam at The Cactus Pad (2024) 

On the eve of Valentine’s Day, Poems for Ex Lovers hosted a poetry slam/book launch at The Cactus Pad in Moab, Utah. Throughout the night individuals had their name drawn from a hat to go up on stage and read poetry written by themselves or others.

All photos by Samantha Metzner Photography

KZMU Valentine’s Day Segment 
February 2024